Raqball Monaco OPEN DAY

The Latest

aerial view of city buildings near body of water during daytime
aerial view of city buildings near body of water during daytime
OPEN DAY 10/2024

Date: TBD

Hour: TBD

Address: TBD


We are excited to announce the official start of our new sports association’s activities in Monaco!

The 2024/2025 season will kick off with a buzz of activity and preparation. During the month of September, we will be diligently working to finalize and enhance our sports program for the upcoming year, ensuring that we provide exciting and well-structured opportunities for all our members.

Our official launch will take place with an Open Day by end of september or beginning of october. This event will be a fantastic opportunity to learn about our offerings, meet our coaches and learn about our sports plans.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to build a dynamic new chapter in Monaco's sports scene

We look forward to welcoming you and starting this new exciting sports journey together!